4 books can change your life incredibly.. you must read before die or before 30's.

10 best selling books of all the time.
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1. The lord of the rings.(1954-55).
- J.R.R. Tolkien.
2. The little Prince.(1943)
- Antoine de Saint Exupery.
3. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone.(1997)
- J.K.Rowling.
4. The Robbit.(1937)
- J.R.R. Tolkien.
5. And then there were none.(1939)
- Agatha Christie
6. Dream of the red chamber.( 1754-91)
- Can Xuequin.
7. Alice adventures in Wonderland (1865)
- Lewis Caroll.
8. The lion, the witch and the wardrobe.(1950).
- C.S.Lewis.
9. She: A history of adventure.(1887)
- H. Rider Haggard.
10. The adventures of Pinocchio(1881)
- Carlo collodi.